1.16 know that friction is a force that opposes motion Friction is caused by surfaces rubbing. The force always acts in the opposite direction to motion. Related Posts:1.05 practical: investigate the motion of everyday objects such as a toy car or tennis ball1.12 identify different types of force such as gravitational or electrostatic1.14 understand that force is a vector quantity1.15 calculate the resultant force of forces that act along a line1.17 know and use the relationship between unbalanced force, mass and acceleration : F = M x A1.22 practical investigate how extension varies with applied force for helical springs,… Hydr0Gen2022-11-29T14:24:35+00:00Categories: (c) forces, movement, shape and momentum, 1 Forces and motion, Edexcel iGCSE Physics, Uncategorized|Tags: Double, GCSE, GCSE _Physics_Single, GCSE_Physics_SpecPoint, Physics, SpecPoint, Topic: Fundamentals of Forces| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestVkEmail