6.02 know that magnets repel and attract other magnets and attract magnetic substances Opposites attract: North attracts South and South attracts North Like charges repel: Two Norths will repel each other Related Posts:4.02 describe energy transfers involving energy stores: energy stores: chemical, kinetic,…6.04 understand the term magnetic field line6.05 know that magnetism is induced in some materials when they are placed in a magnetic field6.06 practical: investigate the magnetic field pattern for a permanent bar magnet and…6.07 describe how to use two permanent magnets to produce a uniform magnetic field pattern6.08 know that an electric current in a conductor produces a magnetic field around it Hydr0Gen2019-06-28T10:53:46+00:00Categories: (b) Magnetism, 6 Magnetism and electromagnetism, Edexcel iGCSE Physics, Uncategorized|Tags: Double, GCSE, GCSE_Physics_SpecPoint, Physics, SpecPoint, Topic: Electromagnetic Induction, Topic: Magnetism and Electromagnetism| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestVkEmail