1. Name this molecule

Question 1 of 14

2. When fermentation is used to produce ethanol, what is the temperature? Why is this temperature used?

Question 2 of 14

3. Give the name of C₂H₆O

Question 3 of 14

4. What 2 properties makes esters useful in food flavourings and in perfumes?

Question 4 of 14

5. What is the process of forming an ester called?

Question 5 of 14

6. What is the name of this ester?

Question 6 of 14

7. What is the functional group of alcohols?

Question 7 of 14

8. Of which homologous series is -COOH the functional group?

Question 8 of 14

9. One way for ethanol to be oxidised, forming ethanoic acid, is to add potassium dichromate(VI) and what else?

Question 9 of 14

10. What common food-stuff contains a high proportion of ethanoic acid?

Question 10 of 14

11. sodium carbonate + ethanoic acid →

Question 11 of 14

12. What 2 reactants are used to produce ethyl ethanoate?

Question 12 of 14

13. In the production of ethanol by fermentation, why is the process done at an optimal temperature of 30⁰C?

Question 13 of 14

14. Of which homologous series is -COO- the functional group?

Question 14 of 14