1. What is the name for the negative electrode?

Question 1 of 11

2. Do ionic substances conduct electricity?

Question 2 of 11

3. For what purpose would this equipment be used for in the lab?

Question 3 of 11

4. Why do ionic compounds conduct electricity only when molten or in solution?

Question 4 of 11

5. How many electrons in a sodium ion?

Question 5 of 11

6. Typically, do covalent substances conduct electricity?

Question 6 of 11

7. Are anions positively or negatively charged?

Question 7 of 11


State whether covalent substances conduct electricity, and explain why

Question 8 of 11

9. When chlorine gas is bubbled into an aqueous solution of potassium iodide, the colourless solution turns brown. Complete the following ionic equation: Cl₂(g)+ ___I⁻(aq) → 2Cl⁻(aq) + ___(aq)

Question 9 of 11

10. Describe the bonding in a metal

Question 10 of 11

11. Explain why metals are good conductors of electricity

Question 11 of 11