Key Calculations quiz Loading... 1. A sample of carbon contained 98.90% carbon-12 and 1.10% carbon-13. Calculate the relative atomic mass of carbon(12x13)/100 = 1.56((13x98.90)+(12x1.10))/100 = 12.99(12+13)/2 = 12.5((12x98.90)+(13x1.10))/100 = 12.01Question 1 of 17 Loading... 2. What volume does 3 moles of carbon dioxide gas occupy (at rtp)?72 dm³8 cm³72 cm³8 dm³Question 2 of 17 Loading... 3. A compound that contained 24.24% Carbon. 4.04% Hydrogen and 71.72% Chlorine and has a relative molecular mass of 99. Calculate the empirical formula and the molecular formula.Empirical formula is CH₂Cl. Molecular formula is CH₂ClEmpirical formula is C₂H₄Cl₂. Molecular formula is CH₂ClEmpirical formula is C₂H₄Cl₂. Molecular formula is C₂H₄Cl₂Empirical formula is CH₂Cl. Molecular formula is C₂H₄Cl₂Question 3 of 17 Loading... 4. To determine the formula of a metal oxide by combustion, magnesium is heated in a crucible. Why is the crucible is cooled, weighed, reheated, cooled, re-weighed, and so on?To make sure a constant mass has been reached and there is no more magnesium left to reactTo allow any water to escapeTo make sure the mass is still going down so the magnesium is still reactingTo ensure all the magnesium oxide to escapeQuestion 4 of 17 Loading... 5. What mass of carbon dioxide is produced when 24g of carbon undergoes completely combustion?88g24 g44 g176 gQuestion 5 of 17 Loading... 6. Use Q=mcΔT and c=4.18J/°C/g. 25cm³ of sulfuric acid is put into a boiling tube. The starting temperature is 21°C. A spatula of iron filings is added. After a while the temperature reaches 33°C. What is the total heat energy change?2153 J2.153 kJ1254 J3383 JQuestion 6 of 17 Loading... 7. 7.485 g of a hydrated copper(II) sulphate CuSO₄.xH₂O was heated producing 4.785g of anhydrous copper(II) sulphate. What is the formula of the hydrated salt?CuSO₄.4H₂OCuSO₄.7H₂OCuSO₄.5H₂OCuSO₄.10H₂OQuestion 7 of 17 Loading... 8. Describe how to carry out an acid-alkali titration1) Pipette 25cm³ of alkali into a conical flask. 2) Add indicator. 3) Fill a burette with acid, record the initial volume. 4) Whilst swirling the flask, add the acid dropwise until the indicator changes colour. 5) Record the volume and calculate the volume of acid which was added. 6) Repeat until three concordant results (within 0.2cm³ of each other). 7) Result is the average of all concordant results.1) Pipette 25cm³ of alkali into a conical flask. 2) Add indicator. 3) Fill a burette with acid, record the initial volume. 4) Whilst swirling the flask, add the acid dropwise until the indicator changes colour. 5) Record the volume and calculate the volume of acid which was added. 6) Repeat until two concordant results (within 0.2cm³ of each other). 7) Result is the average of all concordant results.1) Pipette 25cm³ of alkali into a conical flask. 2) Add indicator. 3) Fill a burette with acid, record the initial volume. 4) Whilst swirling the flask, add the acid dropwise until the indicator is just about to change colour. 5) Record the volume and calculate the volume of acid which was added. 6) Repeat until two concordant results (within 0.2cm³ of each other). 7) Result is the average of all concordant results.1) Pipette 25cm³ of alkali into a conical flask. 2) Add indicator. 3) Fill a burette with acid, record the initial volume. 4) Whilst swirling the flask, add the acid dropwise until the indicator is just about to change colour. 5) Record the volume and calculate the volume of acid which was added. 6) Repeat until three concordant results (within 0.2cm³ of each other). 7) Result is the average of all concordant results.Question 8 of 17 Loading... 9. What is meant by the term molecular formula?A chemical formula that shows the simplest ratio of the numbers of atoms in a compoundA chemical formula that shows the actual numbers of the different types of atoms in a moleculeA method of calculating the ratios of masses in an equationA method of calculating the mass needed to make a certain yield in an equationQuestion 9 of 17 Loading... 10. Calculate the relative formula mass(Mr) of aluminium nitrate (Al(NO₃)₃)89185213117Question 10 of 17 Loading... 11. What is the meaning of the word mole in Chemistry?Moles are the units for amount of substance. (1 mole is 10 g of a substance)Moles are the units for amount of substance. 1 mole of an element is its atomic number in grams (e.g. 1 mole of magnesium is 12 g)Moles are the units for amount of substance. 1 mole of a substance is its relative formula mass in grams (e.g. 1 mole of magnesium is 24 g)A mole is a small burrowing mammalQuestion 11 of 17 Loading... 12. In a chemical reaction, the overall molar enthalpy is -87 kJ/mol. Is this reaction exothermic or endothermic?Depends on the reagentsEndothermicExothermicDepends on the temperature of the surroundingsQuestion 12 of 17 Loading... 13. A beaker of 2 dm³ of ammonium nitrate solution contains 1 mol of ammonium nitrate. What is the concentration of the solution?2 mol/dm³0.5 mol/dm³0.0005 mol/dm³0.5 dm³/molQuestion 13 of 17 Loading... 14. What is the equation linking moles, Mᵣ and mass Mᵣ = mass x molesmass = moles / Mᵣmoles = mass / Mᵣmoles = mass x MᵣQuestion 14 of 17 Loading... 15. In the thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate, we might expect 50g of calcium carbonate to produce 28g of calcium oxide. If instead only 24g of calcium oxide is produced, what is the percentage yield?0.857 % 56 %0.56 %85.7 %Question 15 of 17 Loading... 16. In a combustion calorimetry experiment, 0.78g of ethanol (C₂H₅OH) produced 12,540 J of heat energy. Calculate the molar enthalpy change.-213 kJ/mol (Amount = 46/0.78 = 59.0 mol. Answer = 12540/59.0 = 213 kJ/mol)-738 kJ/mol (Amount = 0.78/46 = 0.017 mol. Answer = 12540/1000/0.017 = 738 kJ/mol)-425 kJ/mol (Amount = 23/0.78 = 29.5 mol. Answer = 12540/29.5 = 425 kJ/mol)-369 kJ/mol (Amount = 0.78/23 = 0.034 mol. Answer = 12540/1000/0.034 = 369 kJ/mol)Question 16 of 17 Loading... 17. A graph shows the solubility of sodium chloride in water at 50°C is 34g/100g. At that temperature, what mass of sodium chloride will dissolve in 200g water?0.34g17g68g0.68gQuestion 17 of 17 Loading... Related Posts:The entire quiz question bank!The entire quiz question bank (Double only)!Equilibria (triple) quizCondensation Polymers quizElectrolysis quizAlcohols & Carboxylic Acids quiz Hydr0Gen2020-02-16T17:35:16+00:00Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: Quiz, Topic: Key Calculations| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestVkEmail