Atomic structure – Tyler de Witt video This video explains the basics of atomic structure, telling you what is inside an atom: Related Posts:Structure & Bonding (Triple) quizStructure & Bonding (Double) quiz3.12 Explain some of the uses of electromagnetic radiations, including: radio waves:…6.17 describe the structure of a transformer, and understand that a transformer changes the…7.02 describe the structure of an atom in terms of protons, neutrons and electrons and use…7.03 know the terms atomic (proton) number, mass (nucleon) number and isotope Hydr0Gen2022-09-15T08:42:42+00:00Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: Chemistry, GCSE, Topic: Calculations, Topic: Fundamentals, Video| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestVkEmail