Electrolysis quiz Loading... 1. For what purpose would this equipment be used for in the lab?The electrolysis of a solutionTesting the electrical conductivity of ions in solutionTesting the electrophoresis of a gel melted to liquid stateThe electrolysis of a molten ionic solultionQuestion 1 of 11 Loading... 2. Describe the structure of metalsA giant regular structure of positive metal ions surrounded by a sea of delocalised electronsA giant random structure of positive metal ions surrounded by a sea of delocalised electronsA simple random structure of positive metal ions surrounded by a sea of delocalised electronsA simple regular structure of positive metal ions surrounded by a sea of delocalised electronsQuestion 2 of 11 Loading... 3. Typically, do covalent substances conduct electricity?Depends on the substanceYesDepends on conditions (e.g. pressure, temperature etc.)NoQuestion 3 of 11 Loading... 4. Are anions positively or negatively charged?positivelyneutraleithernegativelyQuestion 4 of 11 Loading... 5. State whether covalent substances conduct electricity, and explain whyOnly under pressure, because there are charged particles that are free to moveOnly when molten, because there are charged particles that are free to moveYes, because there are charged particles that are free to moveNo. Because there are no charged particles that are free to moveQuestion 5 of 11 Loading... 6. Explain whether solid ionic compounds conduct electricitySolid ionic compounds cannot conduct electricity because the ions are not free to moveSolid ionic compounds can conduct electricity because there is a sea of delocalised electrons that can moveSolid ionic compounds sometimes conduct electricity, only when the ions are free to moveSolid ionic compounds can conduct electricity because the ions are free to moveQuestion 6 of 11 Loading... 7. Do ionic substances conduct electricity?No, ionic substances never conduct electricityNot when solid, but they do when either molten or in solutionYes, ionic substances always conduct electricityOnly when moltenQuestion 7 of 11 Loading... 8. Explain why metals are good conductors of electricityMetals have positive ions which can moveMetals have delocalised electrons which are free to moveMetals have delocalised protons which can moveMetals have layers of ions that can slide over each otherQuestion 8 of 11 Loading... 9. In terms of electrons, what is oxidation?Oxidation is the sharing of electronsOxidation is the gain of electronsOxidation is the loss of electronsOxidation is the gain of oxygenQuestion 9 of 11 Loading... 10. The overall equation for the decomposition of water is: 2H₂O(l) → 2H₂(g) + O₂(g) Use this equation to explain why the volume of hydrogen collected should be twice that of the volume of oxygen.Hydrogen has a much lower Mᵣ so more gas is produced for the same number of molesThere are more moles of oxygen than hydrogenThe number of moles of H₂ are twice that of oxygenHydrogen is a lighter gas than oxygen so rises fasterQuestion 10 of 11 Loading... 11. How many electrons in a potassium ion?18101938Question 11 of 11 Loading... Related Posts:The entire quiz question bank!The entire quiz question bank (Double only)!Key Calculations quizEquilibria (triple) quizCondensation Polymers quizAlcohols & Carboxylic Acids quiz Hydr0Gen2020-02-16T17:18:38+00:00Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: Quiz, Topic: Electrolysis| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestVkEmail