Key Reactions quiz Loading... 1. Can a base neutralise an acid?Only if it is more reactive than hydrogenSometimesYesNoQuestion 1 of 14 Loading... 2. When carbon burns in air, is the oxide acidic or basic?BasicNeutralDepends on conditionsAcidicQuestion 2 of 14 Loading... 3. What is the universal indicator colour of a pH 7 (neutral) solution?RedYellowGreenPurpleQuestion 3 of 14 Loading... 4. Describe the observations of the reaction of aluminium and dilute hydrochloric acidfizzing, metal moves around, metal melts, metal disappears and metal floatsfizzing and metal disappearsno reactionfizzing, metal disappears, metal floats, lilac flame seenQuestion 4 of 14 Loading... 5. What is an alkali compared to a base?Alkalis are anything with a pH above 7. Bases are only metal oxidesAlkalis are bases that are soluble in waterAlkalis have higher pHs than basesBoth alkalis and bases have pH greater than 7 but only alkalis are corrosiveQuestion 5 of 14 Loading... 6. State the formula of the hydrogen ionH₃O⁻H⁺H⁻H₃O⁺Question 6 of 14 Loading... 7. State the colour of methyl orange in acidic and alkaline solutionsacidic = orange alkali = yellowacidic = red alkali = orangeacidic = red alkali = yellowacidic = yellow alkali = redQuestion 7 of 14 Loading... 8. Are metal oxides acidic or basic?AcidicBasicNeutralDepends on conditionsQuestion 8 of 14 Loading... 9. What is the formula for copper (II) fluorideCu₂F₂CuF₂CuFCu₂FQuestion 9 of 14 Loading... 10. Balance the following equation: WO₃ + H₂ → W + H₂O WO₃ + 6H₂ → W + 3H₂O WO₃ + 3H₂ → W + 6H₂O 2WO₃ + 3H₂ → 2W + 6H₂O WO₃ + 3H₂ → W + 3H₂OQuestion 10 of 14 Loading... 11. In the test of a gas, a lit splint gives a squeaky pop. What is the gas?ChlorineCarbon dioxideOxygenHydrogenQuestion 11 of 14 Loading... 12. What is an alkali?An alkali is a corrosive substanceAn alkali is a source of hydroxide ions, OH⁻An alkali is a colourless solutionAn alkali is a compound that reacts with metalsQuestion 12 of 14 Loading... 13. What is the typical range of the pH scale?1-200-140-101-5Question 13 of 14 Loading... 14. Write the word and chemical equation for the thermal decompostion of calcium carbonate, CaCO₃calcium carbonate → calcium oxide + carbon dioxide CaCO₃ → CaO + CO₂calcium carbonate → calcium + carbon monoxide 2CaCO₃ → 2Ca + 3COcalcium carbonate → calcium dioxide + carbon monoxide CaCO₃ → CaO₂ + COcalcium carbonate → calcium + carbon dioxide 2CaCO₃ → Ca + 2CO₂Question 14 of 14 Loading... Related Posts:The entire quiz question bank!The entire quiz question bank (Double only)!Key Calculations quizEquilibria (triple) quizCondensation Polymers quizElectrolysis quiz Hydr0Gen2020-02-16T16:28:50+00:00Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: Quiz, Topic: Key Reactions| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestVkEmail