Solubility of Salts quiz Loading... 1. Is ammonium carbonate soluble?slightlynoyesQuestion 1 of 10 Loading... 2. Is iron (II) hydroxide soluble?noyesslightlyQuestion 2 of 10 Loading... 3. Is silver carbonate soluble?slightlyyesnoQuestion 3 of 10 Loading... 4. Is sodium carbonate soluble?slightlynoyesQuestion 4 of 10 Loading... 5. Is zinc chloride soluble?noyesslightlyQuestion 5 of 10 Loading... 6. Is calcium hydroxide soluble?noslightlyyesQuestion 6 of 10 Loading... 7. Is potassium chloride soluble?yesnoslightlyQuestion 7 of 10 Loading... 8. Is calcium chloride soluble?yesslightlynoQuestion 8 of 10 Loading... 9. State the solubility rule for sulfate saltsall sulfates are insolubleall sulfates are insoluble, except those of sodium, potassium and ammoniumall sulfates are solubleall sulfates are soluble, except those of lead, barium and calciumQuestion 9 of 10 Loading... 10. Is silver chloride soluble?slightlyyesnoQuestion 10 of 10 Loading... Related Posts:The entire quiz question bank!The entire quiz question bank (Double only)!Key Calculations quizEquilibria (triple) quizCondensation Polymers quizElectrolysis quiz Hydr0Gen2020-03-22T16:13:18+00:00Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: Quiz, Topic: Acids & Salts| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestVkEmail