1. Explain, in terms of its structure, why graphite can conduct electricity.

Question 1 of 12

2. Explain how the atoms are held together in a hydrogen bromide molecule

Question 2 of 12

3. Explain the term ionic bond

Question 3 of 12

4. A substance is found not to conduct electricity even when molten. What type of bonding does the substance have?

Question 4 of 12

5. Describe the structure of an ionic compound, e.g NaCl

Question 5 of 12

6. Why is the boiling point of a larger molecule higher than that of a smaller molecule?

Question 6 of 12

7. Describe the formation of a covalent bond

Question 7 of 12

8. How can atoms get a full outer shell?

Question 8 of 12

9. In the dot and cross diagram of the outer electrons showing the covalent bonding in a molecule of oxygen (O₂), how many electrons should be shown in areas 1, 2 and 3?

Question 9 of 12

10. Do ionic substances conduct electricity?

Question 10 of 12

11. Explain why carbon dioxide gas, CO₂, is a gas at room temperature

Question 11 of 12

12. Explain why Silica, SiO₂ is a solid with a high melting point

Question 12 of 12