2:50 describe a physical test to show whether a sample of water is pure If the sample is pure water it will boil at 100oC Hydr0Gen2023-09-18T11:08:18+00:00Categories: (h) Chemical tests, 2 Inorganic chemistry, Edexcel iGCSE Chemistry|Tags: 2:50, Chemistry, Double, GCSE, GCSE_Chemistry_SpecPoint, SpecPoint, Topic: Key Reactions, Topic: Specification experiments|
Past paper questions SpecQ'stionAnsMS 2:50Jan '13 (1), Q 3 c iiiAnswerMkS 2:50Jan '14 (1), Q 2 c iiAnswerMkS 2:50Jan '15 (1), Q 3 b iiAnswerMkS 2:50May '10 (1), Q 12 cAnswerMkS 2:50May '11 (1), Q 11 b iiAnswerMkS 2:50May '16 (1), Q 6 c ivAnswerMkS 2:50May '17 (1R), Q 3 b iiAnswerMkS Hydr0Gen2019-05-13T15:24:09+00:00Categories: PastPaperQuestions|Tags: Chemistry, GCSE, otherPost, PastPaperQuestions|