2.18 know that the voltage across two components connected in parallel is the same
VT = V1 = V2

VT = V1 + V2
IT = I1 = I2
RT = R1 + R2
Energy Transferred (J) = charge (C) x Voltage (V)
Conducting Materials:
Will conduct electricity
Insulating Materials:
Will not conduct electricity
Paper is charged negatively in certain regions. Then positively charged paint droplets are sprayed onto the paper and attracted to the negative regions of the paper giving the desired image. |
the units for:
angle = degree (°)
frequency = hertz (Hz)
wavelength = metre (m)
velocity = metre/second (m/s)
time = second (s)
Transverse Waves:
Longitudinal Waves:
Key Definitions:
Waves can transfer energy and information with out transferring matter, for example sun light, it transfers energy as it makes the earth warm without bringing any matter.
wave speed (m/s) = frequency (Hz) x Wavelength (m)
Frequency (Hz) = 1/ Time Period (s)
You will need to use any of the in 3.05 and 3.06 to solve problems to do with sound waves and electromagnetic (light) waves
Doppler Effect:
Electromagnetic Spectrum:
Radio Waves
Infrared (IR)
Visible Light
Ultraviolet (UV)
X – Rays
Gamma Rays
these are written in order of increasing frequency, lowest at the top
and decreasing wavelength, lowest at the bottom.
the colours displayed are in order of lowest frequency to the left highest frequency to the right.
uses of electromagnetic radiations, including: |
the detrimental effects of excessive exposure of the human body to electromagnetic waves:
• microwaves: internal heating of body tissue
• infrared: skin burns
• ultraviolet: damage to surface cells and blindness
• gamma rays: cancer, mutation
to reduce the risks:
light is a transverse wave that can be reflected and refracted
1. Set up your apparatus as shown in the diagram using a rectangular block. 2. Shine the light ray through the glass block 3. Use crosses to mark the path of the ray. 4. Join up crosses with a ruler 5. Draw on a normal where the ray enters the glass block 6. Measure the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction and add these to your results table 7. Comment on how the speed of the light has changed as the light moves between the mediums. 8. Repeat this for different angles of incidence and different glass prisms. |
1. Set up your apparatus as shown in the diagram using a rectangular block. 2. Shine the light ray through the glass block 3. Use crosses to mark the path of the ray. 4. Join up crosses with a ruler 5. Draw on a normal where the ray enters the glass block 6. Measure the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction and add these to your results table 7. Calculate the refractive 8. Repeat steps 2 – 7 using 9. Find an average of your
Total Internal Reflection:
Critical Angle:
also remember:
critical angle = sin-1(1/n)
sound waves are longitudinal waves which can be reflected and refracted.
the frequency range for human hearing is 20–20 000 Hz
With the microphone plugged into the oscilloscope and a sound incident on the microphone, the microphone will transfer the sound into an electrical signal which the oscilloscope can display .The x axis show the time base which can be adjusted for example 2ms for 1 square so time period and frequency can be calculated from this, along the y axis voltage is displayed as the wave is converted into an electrical signal this means amplitudes can be compared. |
High frequency means high pitch. If a string vibrates with a higher frequency then the note sounds higher. |
The greater the amplitude the louder the sound. Bigger vibrations of a sting mean more energy is being put in so more energy out as sound waves.
know the units for
Mass = kilogram (kg)
energy = joule (J)
velocity = metre/second (m/s)
acelleration = metre/ second 2 (m/s2)
force = newton (N)
time = second (s)
power = watt (W)
Energy Stores: Chemical – e.g. the food we eat Kinetic – movement energy Gravitational – objects that are lifted up Elastic – e.g. from springs Thermal – from hot objects Magnetic – objects in magnetic fields Electrostatic – charged objects Nuclear – stored within a nucleus
In any process energy is never created or destroyed. (It is just transferred from one store to another.)
The energy flow is shown by arrows whose width is proportional to the amount of energy involved. The wasted and useful energy outputs are shown by different arrows.
Conduction is the transfer of thermal energy through a substance by the vibration of the atoms within the substance. Metals are good conductors because they have free electrons that can move easily through the metal, making the transfer of energy happen faster.
Convection occurs in a liquid or gas. These expand when heated because the particles move faster and take up more volume – the particles remain the same size but become further apart. The hot liquid or gas is less dense, so it rises into colder areas. The denser, colder liquid or gas falls into the warm areas. In this way, convection currents are set up which transfer heat from place to place.
Thermal radiation is the transfer of energy by infrared (IR) waves. These travel very quickly in straight lines.
– Light, shiny surfaces are good reflectors of IR and so are poor at absorbing it. – Dark, matt surfaces are poor reflectors and good at absorbing IR. – This means that placed next to a heat source, a dark object would heat up faster than a light one. – Dark matt surfaces are also best at emitting IR. This means that a hot object with a light shiny surface will emit less IR than a dark matt object at the same temperature. – Hotter objects emit more IR per second. The type of EM wave emitted also changes with temperature – the higher the temperature the higher the frequency of EM wave emitted. |
A good insulating material is a poor conductor that contains trapped air, e.g. foam, feathers, glass fibre. Being a poor conductor (non-metal) prevents heat transfer by conduction and the trapped air prevents convection currents.